Meet the Happy People!
David McCormick
Professor of Biology/Director of the Institute of Neuroscience at UO and Professor Emeritus, Dept. Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine
David McCormick currently teaches at the University of Oregon where he balances a dual career in researching the neuroscience of attention/performance and instructing the neuroscience and psychology of happiness. David became impassioned about understanding and teaching “Happiness” (a well lived and fulfilling life) through his experience living with (along with his wife and his dog Sasha) undergraduates at Yale University and teaching neuroscience to (and learning from!) Tibetan Monks in monastic universities in India through the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative. David hopes that by teaching this course, he may add a few seeds of positivity to the next generation.
2024 TAs
2023 TAs
2023 Course Facilitators
Liz Riebe
Research Assistant, Institue of Neuroscience
Luna Dare
Undergrad, Psychology
Addy Donovan
Madi Eldridge
2022 TAs