Happiness starts with YOU.

Welcome to happiness! We’re glad you’re here :)

We will all work together to learn the science and psychology behind living a well-lived life full of positive engagement.  By putting this new knowledge to practice, we will increase our sense of well-being and skillful life engagement.

NEW! Lectures 1-4, 7, 9, 11, and 17 now have pre-recorded lectures that you can watch!

Have you ever wanted to take a course in Neuroscience and Positive Psychology? Or perhaps you took our course and want continued access to the materials for you, your friends, and family? You are in the right place! This website is an extensive synopsis of the course: Bi 170 Happiness: a Neuroscience and Psychology Perspective offered at the University of Oregon each fall.

The next offering of this course is Fall, 2024 and the CRNs (course reference number) are 10761 for in person and 10772 for online!

Click on the “Lectures” tab above to jump right in to Happiness!

Our Purpose

What is it you yearn for most in life? What is it that brings the heart-enthralling feeling that livens you each day? For many people, the answer is happiness — but what does happiness really mean? In this course, we will all venture through the cartography of our lives. We will not only study the neural pathways of our minds, but brave the journey with action through agency, daring to fail in the pursuit of progress. Equipped with the helpful tools of neuroscience and positive psychology in our backpacks, we will learn to skillfully sail the seas of our emotions, valiantly climb the mountainous challenges of our lives and relationships through vulnerability, calmly tread through the ups and downs of our past, present, and future experiences, all while deeply and purposefully connecting with ourselves, the moment, and others - to engage in a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Expect to learn how to…

Live Skillfully

Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Increase Feelings of Self-Worth

Increase Long-Term Happiness

Cultivate Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Well-being

Build Healthy Relationships

Advice from the Ancients…

If you are an undergraduate student at the University of Oregon - Join our Positive Psychology Club! UOPostitivePsych.org